Creanord Network Assurance Sensors
Full visibility into your network with an unprecedented set of measurement types and accuracy
Creanord Probes Initiators, Responders & Collectors
Most Powerful, Accurate and Versatile NFV Probe:
· 100G TCP test with 4 Million Connections, exploiting Intel DPDK
· Probe scalability up to 10 000 simultaneous TWAMP targets, 40 000…100 000 pps
· Hardware timestamping (µsec accurete) possible also on vProbes, with Intel VT-d
· Field proven with real vGi-LAN ETSI PoC #39 and at dozens of Service Provider customers
· Standard & enhanced L2/L3 and L4-7 measurements
· From large core vProbe to small footprint version for vCPE, all easy to spin up

5G Service Assurance:
Satisfy the demand for visibility with scalable, high accuracy and AI-powered analytics and reporting